What does SEO stand for?

Search Engine Optimization – the process of achieving a higher ranking status on search engines in their page results SERP’s (search engine results page). The overall intention is to create a natural flow of traffic to your site organically.

SEO or PPC? What should I choose

These are both crucial. You can’t have the food without using a plate.SEO is important for creating domain authority, a unique organic following and the bulk of interaction that goes into your online presence. However, PPC allows you to horn in on the demographic profiles of your users allowing you to create this organic power in your business or brand.

SEO or SEM? What should I choose

SEM (search engine marketing) covers search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per click (PPC). SEO is just one aspect of it, but SEM allows you better returns of investment because it is market focused.

Need to learn about SEO?

Here are some resources to get you started.

  • Udemy
  • Lynda
  • SEMPost
  • Moz
  • Search Engine Journal
  • BAM
  • WordStream’s ****
  • Visit your Library
What is the Best SEO software?

This is a relative to the user. Some great software options for SEO include:

Ahrefs | Moz | SEMrush | Spyfu | AWE Cloud | DeepCrawl

On-page SEO- what is it?

These are the strategies employed within a page’s architecture to make it rank higher when key words are search in a search engine. This include keyword and image optimization and schema markups. It does not include outside links or parameters that feed into the page.

How long would SEO be around?

Projections don’t see SEO going away anytime soon. The investments made in SEO or SEM will pay up huge dividends as soon enough paid or direct marketing would become so expensive that only those who have mastered the art of SEO will be able to truly take advantage of the offerings of the internet.

Where will SEO go in a couple years?

With the advent of SIRI and other voice activated programs searches would so get activated through your voice. Do your research on this topic. This particular choice is user’s preference to search using the voice is on an upward swing. SEO will become a holographic person you can talk to in the future that simply tells you the answer to what you need a speaking SEO.

What visible changes are happening in the SEO world?

Very soon everyone will choose and prefer the light weight access of their mobile devices to desktop or laptop devices. What does this mean? The biggest share or market revenue will be mobile based and SEO searches will be crucially linked to it.

How do I plan my SEO decisions?

Feel free to check the options connected to software’s shared above. These tools give you the option of finding what is missing in your site. This could be broken links, meta tags configurations and more. Once you understand what needs to be fixed then you are in a better position to optimize the content of your site.

What is keyword research? 
Its all in the search volume and the competition pages have for that keyword. Your aim is to target the keyword searches that are less competitive so you can show up better on search engines.
Conducting keyword research _ How to go about it?

It’s all in the relatable keywords that can be used for your site or pages. Use the tools provided under sotawre options and do a search on SEO tools in the market that give access to different keywords used on these relatable sites to your business and find out what is most effective.

How do I use SEO keywords?

This is a very delicate process where you don’t want to be seen stuffing your pages with keywords because it gets blacklisted for rankings. You have to use SEO keywords with moderations balancing its appearance on your page using the tag headline identities so the markup is not to aggressive.

How does blogging help SEO?

With more article written comes more SEO keyword authority connected to you site. Blogging is by far one of the most effective organic ways of increasing you SEO rankings.

How does Secured Socket Certificates affect SEO?

Secured Socket Certificates are responsible for the HTTPS you see in front of URL’s with a padlock. It is HTTP with more validation and authority. Secured pages receive better ranking on Google. It is the first ranking option for Google and most other robust search engines.

What is the importance of SEO meta-tags?

Most of them are important.

  • Meta Keywords Attribute – Relevant keywords to your site
  • Title Tag – Page title.
  • Meta Description Attribute – Page Description.
  • Meta Robots Attribute – Determining what robots do when page is found on search engines.

The most important of all this is your title tags and meta description. It must be used. The option of follow or no-follow is also relevant but is not as significant as the tow just discussed.

Robots.txt – What is this?

Robots.txt is usually found in the top-level directory of a website and directs the crawling choices of search engines on your pages.

How does categories help SEO?

Organization is key when designing pages for your site preventing overlap of keywords and allow your pages to rank better.

Breadcrumbs – What are they?

This is the steps take to go from one page to other linked pages within you’re your site. For example you go from the home page to the about page and then to some other page in the about page. This all has a description of the how the final page is reached and it is referred to as Breadcrumbs. Other site architectures with this type of importance are categories and tags.

Which SEO techniques are popular?

Building Links | Keyword research | On-page SEO | Site Audits Updating | Page Updates for Relevant keywords | And more detailed Algorithms Research

SEO backlinks- What are they?

The internet is built on an internetwork connection of pages and in a drive to make sure pages are relevant to searches ranking those pages became vitally important. When there is a backlink targeted at your site it shows a level of authority in the page it is directed to thereby creating legitimacy for ranking with search engines. The higher the quality of those backlink meaning where they are coming from the higher your ranking on search engines.

What is the difference between Follow and No-Follow?

The Link Equity- Follow links carry equity with it (meaning invested authority) while no-follows do not.

What is link equity?

It is the amount of power transferred from one pages website to another. It is a recent introduction that allows search engines to know which pages are truly legitimate sources of information for the purposes of ranking. The transfer of power from legitimate sources helps make create equity in another site or page. No Follows have no equity invested within them. The more relevant the link and the page source the more the link equity.

Domain authority – What is it?

Search engines determine what to rank based on domain authority among others. Your domain houses all the links that is generated on the pages of that domain which is a deciding factor of whether your site is really an authority based on all the pages / content within it. 

Link building – What is it?

This is an SEO tactic based on Link acquisition. By acquiring links from reputable blogs and other high profile sites one can boost the equity on one’s domain or pages. This includes both internal and external linkage with a caveat.

What is the difference between Internal and external links?

Domain initiated links that reside on the domain are called internal links. Any link from an outside source is an external link.

Building links – How do I do it?

When you build links with the pages of your site targeted at other pages within you site’s domain you are capable of creating link equity. Using relatable content within a site’s page hierarchy structure can boost the equity of the link.

It is important that you are linking from pages that have higher authority or relevant content. However, do not link excessively because it can reduce the equity of that link if it is initiated from the same site over and over. The key is finding already authoritative sites to link from.

Building External link is the solicited effort of getting other websites to link to your page. If you have relevant content on your site, or invaluable information that could be a benefit to both parties then it would be beneficial to locate the administrators of these pages and see how a mutually acceptable agreement can be reached to cross link or link.

Anchor text – How can I use it?

When you hover over a phrase, sentence or word that allows you to click on it directing you to another page the underlined phrase, word or sentence is an anchor text. Search engines crawl pages looking for exact keyword matches and if your anchor text is a match it gives the link more value. Nevertheless using this tactic excessively would adversely affect your sites rankings.

Building broken links – How do you do it?

Usually a site that is high ranking due to huge content and trust flow might have links they have directed elsewhere that are broken simply because that external page does not exist anymore. Using SEO tools you can find these links and initiate a process of administrative contact with the source of those links to acquire it’s usage to a resource

How does redirects affect SEO?

There are a number of redirect ID’s. The 301 redirect allows you to gives a very high percentage of its equity on to the redirected page. The other kind 302 which gives less equity. It is important to many the content links on your page to prevent links connecting to pages that do not exist or have extremely low load up times.

WordStream – Online Advertising

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment options:

  • Visa
  • Visa Debit
  • Mastercard
  • PayPal

All credit and debit card holders are subject to validation and authorization by both VOLTSITE and the card issuer, to maintain security and prevent fraud.

When will payment be taken?

If your card is authorized, we’ll send you an email confirming your order has been successful.
Payment will then be taken upon initialization of services.

If your card is not authorized, payment will not be taken and we’ll email you to let you know that your bank or card issuer wouldn’t authorize the payment.

Please take great care to enter all your details accurately during checkout, as often incorrect or incomplete information can result in your bank or card issuer declining payment.

If you’re unsure why your payment is declined, please contact your card issuer or bank.

What currencies do you accept?

We accept payment in dollars and pounds sterling

What is web hosting?

To make your website visible on the Web, your website’s files and data must be physically stored on a computer that is connected to the Internet. These large, high-powered computers are called web servers.

Website hosts are companies that physically house several web servers in one location, or what is sometimes referred to as a data center. In addition to housing the web servers, website hosts provide the software, security, support, and bandwidth that connects your website to the Internet.

Think of a website hosting company like a shopping center that contains several individual stores. If you want to open a store at the shopping center, you can lease space in it and set up shop. Just like a shopping center, website hosting companies enable you to lease space on their web servers where you can store your website files and make them available for visitors to view on the Internet.

To accommodate a wide variety of websites and customer needs, there are a variety of hosting solutions.

Hosting solutions are broadly categorized based on the amount of server space you need for your website files, and the monthly amount of bandwidth your site consumes. Bandwidth refers to the amount of data being transferred or the amount of resource usage your website requires.

Consider your shop again; suppose you sell only handmade bracelets; you have a small, unique product offering, so you don’t need, nor want to, lease the same amount of space as a big department store.

Instead, you could lease a small kiosk in the shopping center that gives you just enough space for your goods and costs far less money.

Additionally, because you’re a small shop, you don’t need a lot of extra technology or staff to help you sell your product, like a department store requires.

Between you and your mobile payment device, you have plenty of “bandwidth” to take care of your customers and don’t buy extra technology or hire more employees. Make sense?

Beyond server space and bandwidth, there are other things to consider when selecting a hosting solution. Your budget, ease of use or complexity of solution; the level of flexibility or customization the solution allows; as well as privacy and security features.

What is shared hosting?

In a Shared hosting solution, your hosting account is one of many accounts on a server, or group of servers, that are maintained by a hosting provider.

If you’re new to hosting and watching your budget, shared hosting might be a good place to start.

Here’s a few things to consider, when determining if shared hosting is the right choice for you.

In general, the daily traffic to a small business website doesn’t exceed 2,000 visitors. This means that small business websites typically don’t require a lot of bandwidth or resources to support them.

In addition, newer, small business websites tend to be more simple and straightforward, with fewer website files and data. Which in turn, means they often do not require a lot of server space or other resources.

By sharing a hosting server with others, shared hosting solutions allow you to get your small business website the power and space it needs, at a much lower cost than a dedicated solution.

If you decide that Shared hosting is right for you, you’ll need to decide which type of shared hosting you want.

GoDaddy offers three shared hosting solutions: Linux plans using cPanel, Windows plans using Plesk, and WordPress Hosting.

Each of these solutions offers different features and benefits. You can learn more about all of them on GoDaddy.com.

Remember, shared hosting allows you to share hosting space and costs with others, while still getting the speed and space you need for your small business website.

What is Linux CPanel Hosting

Linux hosting, the most popular web hosting platform, offers features commonly used by web designers. cPanel, a hosting control panel, uses a graphical interface to access most of those features. To get your website up and running, set up your Linux hosting with cPanel account.

Basic steps to use Linux hosting
  • Use a FTP client to upload your files. Your hosting account uses public_html as the root directory for your primary domain.
  • If you don't have a website yet, install a Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress, to build your website and manage its content.
  • After you have a website up and running, set up backups so you don't have to worry about losing your content. VOLTSITE can back up your website for you or you can set up your own backups.

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What is a domain?

A domain name, like www.coolexample.com, is a lot like a street address for a house or business. Let's use the White House as an example. The street address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is an exact location — like an IP address. You might not know the exact street address, but when you visit Washington, D.C., you can tell your cabbie that you want to visit the White House and still get there. This is how a domain name is used: It's an easy way to reach the exact location of a website without having to remember its numeric address.

A domain name consists of, at least, a top-level and a second-level domain. A top-level domain (TLD) is the part of the domain name located to the right of the dot ("."). The most common TLDs are .com, .net, and .org.

Many domains, also called extensions, can be registered by anyone, like .com, .net, and .org. A second-level domain (SLD) is the portion of the domain name that is located immediately to the left of the dot and domain name extension. For example, the SLD in coolexample.com is coolexample.

Advanced Domain Name Description: A domain name represents a physical point on the Internet — an IP address. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) governs coordination of the links between IP addresses and domain names across the Internet. With this standardized coordination, you can find websites on the Internet by entering domain names instead of IP addresses into your Web browser.

What is an IP Address?

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifying string of numbers, like, given to every individual computer, server, and network on the Internet. Like a license plate is used to help identify vehicles, an IP address is used to identify and locate information online. Additionally, they allow for communication over the internet between devices and networks connected to the internet.

What is the 'www' before my domain name?

The www before your domain name is a subdomain, not part of the domain name itself. Therefore, if you set up your www CNAME record to point to your primary A record, your site will resolve both at www.coolexample.com and coolexample.com.

If you can reach your website by typing in your domain without the www but cannot reach it when you type the www, then your CNAME might be set up incorrectly. Follow the instructions below to ensure your domain name's settings are correct.

How do domains work?

When visitors enter your domain name into a Web browser, the browser request uses your domain name to find the domain name's associated IP address and, therefore, the website. People use domain names instead of IP addresses because it is easier to remember a name rather than a series of numbers.

Your domain name and its associated IP address are stored in a common database along with every other domain and associated IP address that are accessible via the Internet.

What is a URL?

A URL, or Uniform Resource Locator, is the address of an Internet website or webpage. Think of a URL as a street address for the location of information on the Internet. For instance, a complete URL like http://coolexample.com/music, points you to the music page of the coolexample.com website.

Take a look at the anatomy of this URL to better understand how they direct online users to specific information: http://coolexample.com/funky/music.html

http:// = protocol
coolexample = domain name
.com =TLD
/funky/music.html = path
/funky/ = directory
/music.html = file name

What is a nameserver?

Nameservers are the Internet's equivalent to phone books. A nameserver maintains a directory of domain names that match certain IP addresses (computers). The information from all the nameservers across the Internet is gathered in a central registry.

Nameservers make it possible for visitors to access your website using a familiar domain name, instead of having to remember a series of numbers.

What do I do with my domain once it's been registered?

Registering a domain name does not automatically activate a website that displays when visitors enter your domain name into a Web browser. The domain name must have a hosted website that includes a numeric address, called an IP address, for visitors to access the website using your domain name.

Besides setting up a website, there are a number of things you can do with your domain name once you register it.

  • Sell it — Domain names can be a great investment. If you have registered a domain name that you are not using, maybe someone else can. You can set up a For Sale parked page to let visitors know that it's available — and don't forget to include your contact information.
  • Protect your brand online — The more domain names you register, the better. Prevent others from registering a similar domain name to yours. These similar domain names can steal your customers or confuse them. What can you do with all these domain names? Forward them to your main domain name's website.
  • Hold on to it — Maybe you haven't decided what to do with your new domain name. Don't worry — there's no rush. You can leave it parked with us for the length of your registration. You can also monetize it.
Why should I register more than one domain name?

If you're thinking about registering more than one domain name, you've got the right idea. Registering and using multiple domains names is great for building your business, protecting your brand name, and creating a dynamic online identity.

When you register multiple domain names, you can:

  • Keep your competition from registering a similar domain name drawing customers to them instead of you
  • Promote the different products and services you offer
  • Drive more traffic to your website
  • Enjoy more opportunities to market to — and be listed in — search engines
  • Create distinct advertising strategies reaching different target markets
  • Provide customers more ways to find you when searching the Internet
  • Capture common misspellings of your domain name, instead of sending visitors to an error page
  • Protect your brand and online identity
When can I register an expired domain name?

Usually, a domain name is not available for re-registration as soon as it expires. Most registrars allow a grace period that can be as short as one or two weeks or as long as a year for registrants to renew expired domain names. The actual grace period can be different for each individual registrar and domain name extension. That is, the grace period for a .com domain name might be different from the grace period for a .us domain name, even at the same registrar.

After the registrar's grace period, most domain names have a redemption period. This period can last from two weeks to 30 days, and, during this time, the current registrant can renew the domain name by paying a redemption fee along with the domain name's renewal fee.

If the current registrant does not renew or redeem the domain name, it might be auctioned. When a domain name is released to a public auction, you can participate and possibly capture the domain name by placing a bid on it.

If the domain name is not renewed, redeemed, or purchased through an auction, it is returned to its registry. The registry determines when the domain name is released again for registration. Once it's released, you can register the domain name through us.

Note: A registrant can renew an expired domain name at no extra cost up to day 18. If they renew an expired domain name anytime between day 19 and day 30, they must also pay an $80.00 redemption fee. The domain name may not be renewed if there is a buyer in auction after day 30.


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